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First steps
Year of the first permission and license for the cork activity. The business was created by Ernesto Lourenço Estrada, grandfather of the current owners. At that date, he already had his own business, but it was the beginning of the relationship between the Estrada family and Cork
Ahead of it's time
As a result of the crisis that triggered the climb of price of oil products, Sofalca was once again a pioneer by installing the first mixed boiler plant in the cork sector, in Portugal, which resulted in a saving of resources and the first steps towards an optimum energy sustainability. This boiler provided the replacement of naphtha, as fuel, by biomass, by recycling an existing waste, the “cork powder”. It was the same philosophy that guided it from the beginning: value regional products, save resources and achieve a management with economic and environmental costs reduction.
Always improving
With the increasing scarcity of raw materials, Sofalca developed cork extraction machines , thus gaining greater certainty of obtaining the raw material in the future, given the difficulty of extraction.
The foundation
Sofalca was born, by the hand of Ernesto, Mário and João Estrada. It was the year in which the fiftieth anniversary of Abrantes, as a City, was celebrated and the Industrial Conditioning Law was in place, which only allowed the opening of new industrial units with the authorization of the Government.
The Government would only authorize the creation of Sofalca if more farmers joined the company’s capital, and so several entrepreneurs joined this project.
The factory was implemented in Abrantes, because it was near to the cork oak forest, in the middle of the raw material, which ended up saving resources in terms of collection and transportation, as well as to take advantage of the long tradition and the ”Know-how” of working cork.
From Abrantes to the world
The Portuguese producers of expanded cork agglomerate united, creating ISOCOR ACE, to enable a better marketing of their brands in the world. Sofalca has been a supplier since its foundation.
Expanding a Sustainable Future
Today, 85% of the cork produced by Sofalca is destined for exportation. The quality of our company’s ecological products and the exceptional qualities of the cork agglomerate are quiete appreciated all around the world. In 2014 Blackcork was created with the creative direction of Toni Grilo and in 2015 Gencork was born in partnership with Spectroom, a brand that has already won several international awards.
First steps
Year of the first permission and license for the cork activity.
The foundation
The Government only authorized the creation of Sofalca if there were farmers associated with the company’s capital. This was done, and several entrepreneurs and farmers of Abrantes were associated with this objective.
Ahead of it's time
Sofalca was once again a pioneer by installing the first mixed boiler plant in the cork sector, in Portugal, which resulted in a saving of resources by using cork powder as biomass, and the first steps towards an optimum energy sustainability.
From Abrantes to the world
The Portuguese producers of expanded cork agglomerate united, creating ISOCOR ACE, to enable a better marketing of their brands in the world. Sofalca has been a supplier since its foundation.
Always improving
With the increasing scarcity of raw materials, Sofalca developed cork extraction machines , thus gaining greater certainty of obtaining the raw material in the future, given the difficulty of extraction.
Expanding a Sustainable Future
Today, 85% of the cork produced by Sofalca is destined for exportation. The quality of our company’s ecological products and the exceptional qualities of the cork agglomerate are quiete appreciated all around the world. In 2014 Blackcork was created with the creative direction of Toni Grilo and in 2015 Gencork was born in partnership with Spectroom, a brand that has already won several international awards.
Innovation, respect for the environment, reduced use of resources other than the raw material of origin, professionalism in response to new challenges and strong concern with our Clients, Suppliers and Workers are values that are part of the Estrada family and the whole company. Sofalca is therefore a company constantly concerned with social responsibility, as well as with innovation in order to provide the customer with the best product possible. Its pioneering character, the quality of its cork products and the attitude of its owners and employees, has given it an enormous visibility and credibility in the cork market. Since climate problems are an important issue in our days, it is essencial to mention that Sofalca es concerned with teaching the world the qualities of the cork agglomerate in the insulation of homes or commercial spaces, as well as the importance of the Cork Oak Forest.


For several years in the market, always with cork as raw material for the creation of its products, Sofalca works every day to develop processes of innovation in its business areas. Our products are tested and comply with all the certification processes, we are a sustainable company whose main objective is the creation of natural and ecological solutions for the market, providing awareness to all the qualities of the expanded cork agglomerate.The production process of Sofalca is sustainable, being energetically self-sufficient in 95% of its needs, by the use of its own biomass (cork powder).More than a company, we are a sustainable concept and are primarily concerned with the environment and the creation of solutions to facilitate the day-by-day of our customers and future generations, making a highly sustainable product known. Sofalca complies with all environmental standards, including as a company certified as a cork recycler.
The expansion of the business to different areas is an objective that Sofalca has been developing throughout its growth as a production company. The Blackcork furniture, Corkwave and Gencork wall covering brands have been gaining notoriety, due to the customer’s desire for good insulation, but also a pleasant decoration to the eye and with an environmental concern. We want to be the best, constantly innovating, and we are ready to answer to all of the challenges made by by Architects, Engineers, Designers, Builders and Owners.